Adaptogen: Helps the body adapt better to stresses. Can have both energizing & relaxing effects on the nervous system.
Alterative: Alters the body back to health by helping the excretory pathways in the body to perform better. (Detoxify more efficiently).
Analgesic: Pain Relieving
Anti-inflammatory: Works against inflammation.
Antibacterial: Prevents the growth of bacteria.
Antifungal: Destroys or inhibits the growth of fungus
Antimicrobial: Slows down and assists the body in fighting pathogens like bacteria, fungus, amoebas and some viruses.
Antioxidant: Herbs that protect cells against damaging oxidizing agents / free radicals.
Antiseptic: Slows or stops the growth of microorganisms.
Antispasmodic: Calms nervous muscular spasms or convulsions.
Antiviral: Opposing the action of a virus.
Aphrodisiac: Stimulates libido.
Aromatics: Plants that hold volatile oils.
Astringent: Constricts and binds coagulation of proteins. Tighten & restore tone tissue to lesson over-secretion.
Bitter: Plants & foods that taste bitter. Aid the digestive system.
Cardiotonic: Increases strength & tone of the heart and vascular system
Carminative: Relieves or dispels gas.
Cholagogue: Increases the flow of bile.
Demulcent: Mucilaginous herbs that soothe, especially mucous membranes.
Diaphoretic: Increases perspiration. Cools the body and can reduce fever.
Digestive: Stimulates digestion.
Diuretic: Increases urine flow.
Emetic: Causes vomiting.
Emollient: Softens or soothes skin topically.
Emmenagogue: Stimulates or Increases menstrual flow.
Estrogenic: Causes or influences the production of estrogen and other hormones.
Euphoric: Creates feeling of happiness & joy. Elevates the mood.
Expectorant: Promotes the discharge and/or expulsion of mucous from respiratory tract
Febrifuge: May help the body move through or break free of a fever.
Hepatoprotective: Helps to prevent damage to the liver.
Lymphagogue: Promotes production of better flow of lymph.
Nervine: Acts on nervous system. Typically system relaxant.
Nutritive: Herb with higher than usual nutritive value to the diet.
Relaxant: Relaxes nervous system.
Sedative: Sedates the nervous system.
Stimulant: Temporarily increases body or organ function.
Tonic: Has the ability to strengthen the system, typically with an astringent effect on a certain organ.
Vermifuge: Kills or expels worms and parasites.
Vulnerary: Wound healing