Calling all skilled craftspeople to submit your handmade works for consideration into A Historical Artisans Showcase, an exhibition held in conjunction with Virago Alley & Richmond Moon Market’s first annual Richmond Renaissance Faire: A Multi Cultural Exploration of the Artisan Ages taking place at Gallery5 on First Friday, March 7th 2025 from 5PM-11PM.

This call includes submissions by local Blacksmiths, Metalsmiths, Woodworkers, Weavers, Potters, Calligraphers, Leatherworkers, Glass Blowers, Cobblers, Silk Screeners, Block Cutters, Candle Makers and more!  We are looking for submissions that best represent your skill & trade.

This exhibition will be on display at Gallery5 through the month of March. Select artisan categories not suitable for month long display (bakers, herbalists, jewelers, florists, etc), or artisans who also wish to showcase a larger selection of their work or provide live demonstrations (ex: glass blowing or forging) will also have the opportunity to register for the outdoor market. Registration info coming soon!

Submission Deadline:
A Historical Artisans Showcase:
Saturday, February 1st 2025
Please email with a link to your online portfolio or a minimum of 3 examples of your work with subject line “RVA Ren Faire”. You do not need to have the final piece of art completed at this time, however we request a general proposal of your intended submission. Notification of accepted works will be sent throughout February. For questions or to request more details, please email: or

More Info:
A Historical Artisans Showcase will be featured indoors with live music on stage. The outdoors will feature live martial arts demonstrations coordinated by Virago Alley highlighting local historic guilds as well as a full merchant market coordinated by Richmond Moon Market highlighting 14th - 17th century inspired skills and trades from around the world.

Sponsorship or Partnership Requests:
If you are interested in being a partner or sponsor in this first annual Richmond Renaissance Faire, please email